Sunday, 27 October 2013

Session three : Wednesday, 25 September 2013

                         The class started our numeracy experience with problem 9. 10 cards were labelled with digits 0-9. We were required to find out how many ways to form two digits equation using the digits only once. It got exciting as we challenged with each other who got to create the most two digits equation.
My partner and I realized that the number 30 cannot be the sum as more smaller digits are required.

  • digit 9 can be placed only in the ones place
  • digit 0 can only be placed in the sum
  • the Largest number that can be formed is 98
  • and 39 being the smallest possible number form

Problem 11 Share equally among 4 persons

In the later part of the class, Dr Yeap presented us with problem 11. This time round we learnt many ways to divide the rectangles into 4 equal parts. I learnt that it is also possible to have that rectangle to be cut in 4 equal pieces of different shapes.
Through this lesson it amplified the need for us as the teacher to help children to visualise fractions through performing some simple operations with visual images instead of merely presenting a rule as many schoolbooks do.

The child who is able to visualize fractions in his mind will become more concrete - not just a number on top of other number without meaning. Then the child can estimate the answer before calculating, and evaluate the reasonableness of the final answer, and perform many of the simplest operations in his head.
"It's been said that if a student understands fractions, then they can understand any mathematics concept.  It is then very important for every math teacher to know how to teach fractions in the most approachable way possible."~~Jason Gibson

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