Sunday, 27 October 2013

Session 6 : Saturday, 28 September 2013

This is an interesting game that was introduced to the class. Two players will be holding a card facing each other. Using multiplication, the third person will give the product of the two numbers. The ones who were holding the card need to guess the number she is holding. We have so much fun with the game and fail to realize we are actually doing multiplication.That's awesome because it will eliminate the process of rote learning. Our group extend this experience by trying on addition and subtraction and we have a whale of time!!
It has been a week loaded with many new numeracy experiences that give me different perspectives of learning maths.Throughout this math journey, Dr Yeap showed us that there are many ways to solve a problem and the importance of peer interactions. We witnessed how important for children to have concrete materials in their  learning of concepts.Through exploration and experimenting with these concrete materials, children will begin thinking abstractly. 

Session 5: Friday, 27th September 2013

Off we go to the museum!! 
In a group of 4 we make our way down to the SAM museum to look for art piece that we can use to teach our children concepts.
This is a brilliant idea for teachers to look for inspiration beyond their classrooms environment. Shapes were the first obvious math concepts that we can highlight to the children in all of the art pieces. Take a look at the art piece on the right.

What are the numeracy experiences we can teach through this art 
  • Patterns
  • tangrams
  • addition
  • subtraction
  • sequencing

And this?

Back at Seed classroom..
The class continue their numeracy experiences with exploration of tangrams. Previously we were finding ways to create rectangles using the given number of tangrams. In this session we were asked to find many ways to create square using the tangrams.

Exploring tangrams I felt gave the children the hands on experience:; allowing  them to visualize the images and help them to develop spatial reasoning skills.

Session 4: Thursday, 26 September 2013

Dr Yeap revisit the topic of fraction with the class in his problem 15. This time round he encourage us to find ways in helping the 3 pigs to share the 4 pizzas equally.  We discovered 2 methods to help the pigs. Method 1 were much easier for me to understand. While searching for ways to make teaching fraction interesting I chance upon this interesting video clip. Enjoy!!


Quote of the day

" Mathematics is an excellent vehicle for the development and improvement of a person's intellectual competencies."

Spiral :- learning a new layer the following year to what they have learnt the year                                            before.


Session three : Wednesday, 25 September 2013

                         The class started our numeracy experience with problem 9. 10 cards were labelled with digits 0-9. We were required to find out how many ways to form two digits equation using the digits only once. It got exciting as we challenged with each other who got to create the most two digits equation.
My partner and I realized that the number 30 cannot be the sum as more smaller digits are required.

  • digit 9 can be placed only in the ones place
  • digit 0 can only be placed in the sum
  • the Largest number that can be formed is 98
  • and 39 being the smallest possible number form

Problem 11 Share equally among 4 persons

In the later part of the class, Dr Yeap presented us with problem 11. This time round we learnt many ways to divide the rectangles into 4 equal parts. I learnt that it is also possible to have that rectangle to be cut in 4 equal pieces of different shapes.
Through this lesson it amplified the need for us as the teacher to help children to visualise fractions through performing some simple operations with visual images instead of merely presenting a rule as many schoolbooks do.

The child who is able to visualize fractions in his mind will become more concrete - not just a number on top of other number without meaning. Then the child can estimate the answer before calculating, and evaluate the reasonableness of the final answer, and perform many of the simplest operations in his head.
"It's been said that if a student understands fractions, then they can understand any mathematics concept.  It is then very important for every math teacher to know how to teach fractions in the most approachable way possible."~~Jason Gibson

Session Two : Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Why some children cannot count ?
  • he/she is not able to classify 
  • he/ she is not able to do rote counting
  • he /she is not able to do one to one correspondence
  • he/she does not appreciate the last number represent the size of an object                              

Count down by 1 or 2. Get to zero!

My group started with 20 beans and in pair we took turn to reduce the number by one or two. As I was playing this game, I realized that it requires the player to count and think ahead of the other partner and strategically reducing the numbers so that last one or two beans will remain till your turn. After several tries, I discovered Rufi's secret to her many winnings which led to my discovery of the bad numbers which is 3,6 and 9. She has strategically reducing the number of beans, leaving her opponent with the bad numbers!! Clever moves indeed!!


Saturday, 26 October 2013

Session one : Monday, 23 September 2013

 What's the letter in the 99th position of your name?

I started off with Method 1; tapping on my prior knowledge in rote counting. It gave me a sense of confidence as it is something I can connect. I thought about my children in the class and this method could work well for them as they could relate it to their numeracy experience in rote counting. Half way through doing method 1, my classmates discovered some patterns with the numbers. Patterns!!! Why didn't I think of that?

This problem highlighted a valuable lesson for me as a learner as well as an educator. There is Never one method to solve a problem. And I witnessed the power of peer interactions that help me to discover more solutions that certainly enrich my numeracy experience.

Here is an interesting video that teach children about number pattern!!

                                                      Have Fun with Maths!!